Clobas Standard Package Modules For College
CLOBAS standard package consists of 32 must-have modules that will help institutions to automate their functions and have an overall control mechanism to track and monitor the day-to-day activities of an institution. This includes mobile app for all stakeholders like management, teacher and parents and available on both Android and IOS.
Portal Standard Package Modules / Features

Student’s particulars (collected during admission) can be entered or uploaded here. Profile of each student such as personal info, demographic info, results, attendance, and fee details can be put in one single window for top management to view, track and maintain the record virtually. This is applicable to all current active students. Records belonging to those who left school will be burnt in a CD annually and will be passed onto the school for their future reference. Data will be in PDF format.

Innovative Dashboard is the star module of Clobas Portal. This enables the management to have access and view of dashboard with one dozen key parameters of school operations such as Students Statistics, Feedback Status, Academic Standings, Fee Collection and so on. This will be useful to take informed decision on the go.

This module enables institution to set-up various fee structures and associated due dates. Fee collection and Receipt printing, Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly collection reports are incorporated here.

This module can be used to maintain bus details, bus stops, Student occupancy in each route, driver details, service date for buses and many more. Sending SMS facility is integrated with this module.

Using this module, Parent/Staff would be able to provide feedback/suggestions to the institutions on various categories such as General, Transport, Hostel etc. These feedback will be monitored and responded by the respective personal from the institution and Parent/Staff can revert back. Reports are available to view the progress of the reported feedback.

This is a generic profile report generator. Using this facility, user can choose any profile data of parent, student and staff with desired selection criteria dynamically to generate report online. Export to excel options are available.

Certificate (Bonafide & Transfer Certificate) can be designed for each institution as per their template and will be made available for printing by an authorized user. Necessary audit trail is available to check number of Bonafide certificate issued for each student. Transfer certificate can be generated once the student clears all department dues.

This module allows user to set-up all available courses, departments, classes, sections etc., So these data can be mapped with staff and students’ information. Corresponding reports by different classification can be generated.

Through this module, Class, Period, Subject, Tutor can be mapped. So, Tutors and Parents should be able to check their up-to date time table with class details such as Subject, Date, Time, Lecture Hall or Lab etc.

Using this module, Tutors/admin can post daily attendance. Hence, Parents can view the attendance online. If a student does not maintain his/her required attendance, Parents will get email/SMS notification, which is configurable. Push notification can be sent to parents of absent students, if required.

This module enables Institute to track the attendance of the staff by retrieving from the biometric devices. Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly attendance report of the staff are incorporated here.

This module allows user to configure necessary parameters for all examinations with aggregate formula, grades, CGPA, marks etc.

Institute designated admin or staff can upload internal as well as board exam results in a bulk way as soon they are ready to publish. Parents and Students can view the results and take a print out for their reference.

This module will have required reports for Results, Attendance, Asset, Fee, Transport etc.

Through this module, Institute can maintain staff records and retrieve them as and when it is required. Details could be their personal details, educational details, experience details, journals, publications etc.

This module enables the institution to send circulars and flash news to all users or selected group via portal, e-mail and SMS. It is equipped with SMS scheduling functionality. Push notifications will also be sent through mobile app.

All kind of communications like circulars reminders, results and attendance details can be sent to target users via e-mail and SMS.

Institute can create any group such as Basket Ball Team, Tennis Team, Red Cross etc., so that, they can keep them updated with events for any group.

Institute can upload photos of various events held in the school and enable different target groups to view them online.

Under this module, any YouTube uploaded videos by school such as Sports Day function or Annual Day function etc. can be embedded, so that, intended users can watch video without going to YouTube site.

Using this module, Staff can enter any remarks or comments for individual students. E.g. One student in primary 3 is playing chess excellently and many more incidents. This can be viewed by the authorized users from the top management.

All upcoming events and schedules can be listed out here, even as a calendar of events for every month.

Institute admin can print all students address label for attaching at the manual letters, if required.

This function automatically sends out birthday greetings by e-mail to all registered users and displays the birthday greeting animations on the web when they login to the portal on their birthday.

Institute can list out any constructive website’s names here for knowledge enrichment of their Students, Staff and Parents. E.g. NASA Kids Project

Notes prepared by teacher/lecture can be posted for each class and it will be available for teacher, parents/students to download.

Home work can be posted for each class and it will be made available for parents, students to download.

This module will have past five years’ question papers from respective board exams. So, tutors and students can refer these questions from anywhere, anytime.

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Add-on Modules / Features (Extra Cost)

End to end admission process will be taken care by this module. It includes online registration, selection process, login ID generation, Admission Confirmation etc.

Using this module, Parent can pay school fees from their Mobile app or Web portal online and other associated status information will be made available for future reference. Parent can choose either internet banking or debit card option to carry out payment transactions and generate receipts.

This module will be used for managing the activities involved in Hostel such as categorizing facility such as single, double, with A/C or without A/C etc., room allotment, fee collection, meal preference, contract period etc. Various reports with respect to hostel management will be made available.

Staff can submit their claims with their expense details and get it verified and approved online by appropriate authorities. Finally, it goes to Account department for reimbursement.

Institute can track and generate report for all their assets details such as Product name, vendor name, contact details, brand name, warranty details, data of purchase, location of asset, custodian of asset etc. Service/Repair details for each asset will be tracked here. Scanned copy of warranty or AMC can be uploaded here. Bar coding facility can be generated.

Identity card can be designed for each institution as per their template and will be made available for printing by an authorized user.

Online Library is the replica of actual library database, Authorized user can lend and collect back borrowed books. There is an online catalogue search facility to find out book availability by title, subject, author, publisher etc. Report will be made available to view the book stocks and borrowers list, return dues etc. Barcoding to be introduced in the books.

This module is used to track a planned action. It contains the details about the Action, In-charge, Deadline, Status of the Action. If the action is not closed within a stipulated time line automated reminder will be provided.

This module lets user to register the complaints with different categories and tracking of those complaints and status. Management can assign the complaints to respective staff for the timely closure of grievances and also generate report date wise and category wise.

This module captures the lesson plan Weekly/Day wise for each class and tracks the progress of lesson/syllabus completion status and provides appropriate report. Two-way confirmation process to be introduced i.e. Teachers to confirm completion status which is to be approved by the HOD.

This module can be used to capture and track students discipline related matters such as late coming, making noise in the class, bullying others etc. Necessary reports available to view student wise and class wise discipline records.

This module enables Institute to track the attendance of the staff by retrieving from the biometric devices. Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly attendance report of the staff are incorporated here.

With this module, staff can apply leave online and get it approved by the next level approver. Staff can check their leave entitlement in each category as well as their own leave history. Admin can get the report of staff who are on leave for a particular period and leave related reports.

Using this module, Payroll of the staff will be generated based on 6th or 7th pay commission. Staff can able to view and download every month Pay slip with all the salary attributes in portal.

This module enables Institute to know the training need details of the staff and training information. Based on the training need analysis necessary training will be provided for staff. Details like Training Date, Training name, Location, Description, Area to improvement, Things went well, participation details will be available.

Student or Teacher can able to view and enhance their knowledge on the various list of Video courses available.

Q & A section allows students to post questions to certain groups or to a particular tutor. The past questions and answers can be shared with all students, if the owner of the question permits.

Institute can conduct test online by uploading their own set of questions and provide the result instantly. This test can be applicable for regular subject or placement test.

This module helps Institute to collect opinion survey from students and generate the report accordingly. It can be used for any decision-making process.

Facilities or resources that can be shared across the institute will be listed here. These facilities can be booked by faculties or students, so as to optimize the usage of such resources. For example, badminton court, conference hall etc.

Teacher/Tutors can post assignment titles and set due date for each assignment, student can upload softcopy of their assignment from anywhere and anytime. Over the periods, these modules become digital repository for assignments and it can be searched by tutors.

In this module, the placement activities of the college student will be captured. We can able to get the list of students available for campus interview, their interview status and placement status.

Using this module, college student studying in third year and final year can upload their resumes online. Authorised company persons can able to view and download the student resume from the portal for their recruitment.

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Mobile Standard Package Modules / Features

End to end admission process will be taken care by this module. It includes online registration, selection process, login ID generation, Admission Confirmation etc.

Using this module, Parent can pay school fees from their Mobile app or Web portal online and other associated status information will be made available for future reference. Parent can choose either internet banking or debit card option to carry out payment transactions and generate receipts.

This module will be used for managing the activities involved in Hostel such as categorizing facility such as single, double, with A/C or without A/C etc., room allotment, fee collection, meal preference, contract period etc. Various reports with respect to hostel management will be made available.

Staff can submit their claims with their expense details and get it verified and approved online by appropriate authorities. Finally, it goes to Account department for reimbursement.

Institute can track and generate report for all their assets details such as Product name, vendor name, contact details, brand name, warranty details, data of purchase, location of asset, custodian of asset etc. Service/Repair details for each asset will be tracked here. Scanned copy of warranty or AMC can be uploaded here. Bar coding facility can be generated.

Identity card can be designed for each institution as per their template and will be made available for printing by an authorized user.

Online Library is the replica of actual library database, Authorized user can lend and collect back borrowed books. There is an online catalogue search facility to find out book availability by title, subject, author, publisher etc. Report will be made available to view the book stocks and borrowers list, return dues etc. Barcoding to be introduced in the books.

This module is used to track a planned action. It contains the details about the Action, In-charge, Deadline, Status of the Action. If the action is not closed within a stipulated time line automated reminder will be provided.

This module lets user to register the complaints with different categories and tracking of those complaints and status. Management can assign the complaints to respective staff for the timely closure of grievances and also generate report date wise and category wise.

This module captures the lesson plan Weekly/Day wise for each class and tracks the progress of lesson/syllabus completion status and provides appropriate report. Two-way confirmation process to be introduced i.e. Teachers to confirm completion status which is to be approved by the HOD.

This module can be used to capture and track students discipline related matters such as late coming, making noise in the class, bullying others etc. Necessary reports available to view student wise and class wise discipline records.

This module enables Institute to track the attendance of the staff by retrieving from the biometric devices. Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly attendance report of the staff are incorporated here.

With this module, staff can apply leave online and get it approved by the next level approver. Staff can check their leave entitlement in each category as well as their own leave history. Admin can get the report of staff who are on leave for a particular period and leave related reports.

Using this module, Payroll of the staff will be generated based on 6th or 7th pay commission. Staff can able to view and download every month Pay slip with all the salary attributes in portal.

This module enables Institute to know the training need details of the staff and training information. Based on the training need analysis necessary training will be provided for staff. Details like Training Date, Training name, Location, Description, Area to improvement, Things went well, participation details will be available.

Student or Teacher can able to view and enhance their knowledge on the various list of Video courses available.

Q & A section allows students to post questions to certain groups or to a particular tutor. The past questions and answers can be shared with all students, if the owner of the question permits.

Institute can conduct test online by uploading their own set of questions and provide the result instantly. This test can be applicable for regular subject or placement test.

This module helps Institute to collect opinion survey from students and generate the report accordingly. It can be used for any decision-making process.

Facilities or resources that can be shared across the institute will be listed here. These facilities can be booked by faculties or students, so as to optimize the usage of such resources. For example, badminton court, conference hall etc.

Teacher/Tutors can post assignment titles and set due date for each assignment, student can upload softcopy of their assignment from anywhere and anytime. Over the periods, these modules become digital repository for assignments and it can be searched by tutors.

In this module, the placement activities of the college student will be captured. We can able to get the list of students available for campus interview, their interview status and placement status.

Using this module, college student studying in third year and final year can upload their resumes online. Authorised company persons can able to view and download the student resume from the portal for their recruitment.

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