How to Improve Parental Involvement in Student’s Academics in the Digital Age?

How to Improve Parental Involvement in Student's Academics in the Digital Age?

Technology and parental involvement have become the best levers for accessing education since the schools are closed due to the global pandemic covid-19. However, using technology is not as simple as bringing some new equipment and using it. School management softwares has facilitated the smooth running of educational institutions. The Best school Management software in India acts as a catalyst in the remote and hybrid settings for a paradigm shift that parents and school authorities followed when it came to parental involvement in students’ academics.

In today’s era, parents are more or less always on the go, but technology has made it easy for them to stay in touch with their child’s educational activities. Moreover, there is a proven fact of positive impact on student’s achievement with increased parental engagement. Therefore, more and more schools are leveraging technology to build meaningful and better relationships with students’ families and parents.

Now that we know what importance does school management software hold, let us talk about how it promotes parental involvement efficiently:

  • Development of Classroom communications toolbox

Choosing the best school management software comes with features that send e-newsletters, emails, or other digital media that allows parents to track what their wards do in the class. It helps them stay updated with the latest information about the child. Many times, parents can directly log in to the software and check the activity progress of the student. An ideal software also offers enrichment ideas and tips for parents.

  • Improves parental involvement through video conferencing

Oftentimes, parents are on-the-go and stay away from children who are usually at home attending class. In these cases, the software allows them to join the parent-teacher meeting with various online video conferencing applications like Google Meet, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or similar apps. The invention of these applications has become a boon for parents. The school management can send the joining link to the parent’s email id, from which the latter can join the meeting and discuss their ward’s performance or any queries, thus establishing a smooth communication.

  • Makes Information easily accessible with the Cloud-based applications

Today, many schools are taking up cloud-based applications on smartphones so that every operation can be remotely accessed by students, teachers, parents, and management. This allows them to govern all the school-related activities smoothly. Since millennials are becoming parents, their expertise in using technology to establish communication with the school management is impeccable. The softwares organizes every function neatly and allows a smooth parent-teacher interaction.

  • Uses Data reports to Show Student Progress

Parents usually like to keep track of what is going on in the classrooms, activities, and different events. When a school opts for the best school management software, they can show parents where the student is excelling and what areas they need to work on. Advanced software will also allow faster communication between parents and teachers rather than waiting till the end of the quarter, which usually is the case in an offline situation.

  • Takes care of the Routine Tasks efficiently

By leveraging technology, school authorities can efficiently communicate with parents about the day-to-day school activities, fees submission, timetable, and events such as school picnics, functions, back-to-school nights, and so much more. When educational institutions opt for the best school management, it is a great way to send parents reminders. For example, the software is equipped with reminders via emails and SMS that automatically sends parents a notification about the fees submission, upcoming functions, bus fees, or anything in similar lines, thus facilitating an easy operation. Some softwares also have push notifications in their mobile applications. This way, the authorities don’t have to send reminders to parents manually, nor do the parents become subjected to forgetting these things.

  • Text Messaging facility for building communication

Everyone will agree that technology eliminates the common barriers between parents and schools. Usually, new parents become intimidated by conferences or don’t get time off from their work. The educational management softwares has a text messaging feature that helps establish clear communication between parents and teachers. Frequent texts to parents will allow the parents to track school activities, student’s progress, and different cases is a powerful tool when compared to traditional ways.

These are some things that your institution can incur if you opt for the best school management software. Therefore, make an informed decision while choosing one.


If studies are to be believed, parental engagement in a child’s learning process has proven to be important as it has a powerful connection with the student’s success in academics. However, with parents becoming increasingly busy, getting involved with a child’s education has become next to impossible. However, thanks to the development of efficient management softwares, parents can now be as involved as they want to be in their child’s learning process.


Are you looking for the best school Management Software in India? Let Clobas be your one-stop Solution for holistic academic operations management. We are a cloud-based portal, serving as an online medium of connecting managements, tutors, students, and parents of educational institutes throughout India. Thanks to its versatility, it is one of the best e-governance solutions for schools. Our clients can customize the platform, catering to their individual requirements, thus empowering the educational sectors digitally as there will be increased productivity, improved communication, and knowledge enrichment. We have developed this platform after thorough market research; thus, it will efficiently address all the issues a school faces. Get in touch with us at +91-9841037205 or email us at or


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